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Since I Like Garlic...

If you have a few minutes to spare then take this quiz:

Your Superhero Profile

Your Superhero Name is The Bat Eagle

Your Superpower is Seduction

Your Weakness is Garlic

Your Weapon is Your Energy Wand

Your Mode of Transportation is Catapult

(Hat tip to SQT)

...and while you're at it check out my latest post at the Fantasy & Sci-Fi Lovin' Blog.


Angela/SciFiChick said...

Your Superhero Name is The Racoon Miracle
Your Superpower is Mutant
Your Weakness is Garlic
Your Weapon is Your Golden Lasso
Your Mode of Transportation is Elephant.

So I'm a cross between a vampire and Wonder Woman? LOL

Karen said...

hehe. So you're a mutant racoon vampire dressed like Wonder Woman... at least your movie can't be any worst than Catwoman.

Angela/SciFiChick said...

You got that right!